
RECIPE: Coconut White Chocolate Truffles [League of Legends Poros]


As many of you probably already know, Adam and I play a lot of League of Legends. Probably a lot more than we should. In honour of League of Legends Season 4 beginning about a month ago, we have made some Coconut White Chocolate Truffles to portray Poros from Howling Abyss.

We got the Recipe Idea from Nerdy Nummies on Youtube.

What you Will Need

Coconut White Chocolate Truffles:
  • 2 Cups of White Chocolate Chunks (White Chocolate Candy Melts work fine, as well)
  • 2 1/2 Cups of Freshly Shredded Coconut 
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract 
Poro Decorations:
  • Your choice of Nuts, for the horns of the Poro (Here, we have used cashews, but feel free to use any other type of nuts of your choice)
  • Fruit-by-the-Foot, for the Tongue of the Poro (You can also use any other Pink/Red mold-able candy like cherry starbursts or laffy taffy, but this is all we could find)
  • Black Icing, for the eyes (unfortunately, we forgot the icing, so we had to use the Fruit-By-The-Foot to make the eyes in our picture)

Recipe Directions

  1. Using a double boiler (or a boiling pot with a heat-safe bowl on top), melt all of your white chocolate chips. Constantly stir.
  2. In a mug, heat up your milk in the microwave (or on the stove, if you'd like) just to make it a little warm before adding it to the chocolate. [Note, if you do not heat up your milk, and add it directly to your chocolate, your chocolate will start to harden and grow a thick texture)
  3. Add your warmed up milk, vanilla extract and 2 cups of your coconut to the chocolate
  4. Mix until combined
  5. Let your mixture sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour before handling 
  6. When one hour has passed, use a 1tbs spoon to scoop up even balls for your truffles
  7. [optional: for creating poros] Add two cashews on either side of the ball to create horns
  8. [optional: for creating poros] Use icing to make eyes
  9. [optional: for creating poros] Create a tongue shape with cooking scissors and add the tongue to the poro's face
Thanks for Reading our Recipe! Make sure you add us to your reading list! 

Adam & Jenn

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